Description: This event is helping to raise money for a service dog for a little girl named Henna.
She has brain damage and seizures from abuse at age two.
The band Walk O’Shame will be performing and there will be free wine and cocktails. Also, come buy art from local artists: Nia Tavlarides Stratos, Tina Palmer, Summer O’Brian and Jennifer Lo who will all be selling their work with a portion of the proceeds going to the charity.
Date: Thursday, November 5th, 2009
Time: 7:00 – 10:00PM
Location: Habatat Galleries 8020 Towers Crescent Drive, Tysons Corner , VA 703. 989. 7110
Ticket/Pricing Information:
The cost is $25 at the door (that includes drinks and a raffle ticket to
win a week long vacation!