The 2010 A-List

by Editorial

Who’s who among the most sought-after VIP guests in town.

Barack & Michelle Obama (2)

President Barack H. Obama and First Lady Michelle Obama

Vice President and Mrs. Joseph R. Biden, Jr. (Jill)

His Excellency the Ambassador of Kuwait, Sheikh Salem Adullah Al-Jaber Al-Sabah, and Sheikha Rima Al -Sabah

Mr. And Mrs. David Axelrod (Susan)

Mr. Robert Barnett and Ms. Rita Braver

The Honorable Ben S. Bernanke, The Chairman of the

Federal Reserve Board, and Mrs. Bernanke (Anna)

The Honorable and Mrs. James H. Billington (Marjorie)

Representative and Mrs. John A. Boehner (Debbie)

Mr. Benjamin C. Bradlee and Ms. Sally Quinn

Mr. and Mrs. David G. Bradley (Katherine)

David and Katherine Bradley


Mr. Marcus Brauchli and Ms. Maggie

Associate Justice and Mrs. Stephen G. Breyer (Joanna)

Mr. and Mrs. David Brooks (Sarah)

Senator Scott Brown and Ms. Gail Huff

Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Cafritz (Jane)

Mr. and Mrs. William N. Cafritz (Buffy)

Representative and Mrs. Eric I. Cantor (Diana)

Secretary of Labor Steven Chu

Secretary of Energy Steven Chu

Mr. and Mrs. Steven B. Case (Jean)

Mrs. Eugene B. Casey (Betty)

The Honorable and Mrs. Richard B. Cheney (Lynne)

The Honorable Steven Chu, Secretary of Energy, and Mrs. Chu (Jean)

The Honorable William Jefferson Clinton and the Honorable Hillary Rodham Clinton, Secretary of State

Her Royal Highness the Infanta Cristina and His Excellency Inaki Urdangarín,
Duke of Palma de Majorca

Representative and Mrs. John D. Dingell (Deborah)

Mr. and Mrs. Placido Domingo (Marta)

Mr. and Mrs. Robert S. Duvall (Luciana)

The Honorable Rahm Emanuel and Ms. Amy Rule

Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Feinberg (Diane)

The Honorable Adrian M. Fenty, The Mayor of Washington, D.C., and Mrs. Fenty (Michelle)

Representative Barney Frank

Senator and Mrs. Al Franken (Frannie)

The Honorable Robert M. Gates, the Secretary of Defense, and Mrs. Gates (Becky)

The Honorable Timothy H. Geithner, the Secretary of the Treasury, and Mrs. Geithner (Carole)

The Honorable and Mrs. Daniel R. Glickman (Rhoda)

Mr. Donald E. Graham

Mr. David Gregory and Ms. Beth Wilkinson

Mr. Christopher E. Hitchens and Ms. Carol Blue

Mr. Jim Hoagland and Ms. Jane Stanton Hitchcock

The Honorable Eric H. Holder, Jr., Attorney General, and Dr. Sharon Malone pjk

Representative Steny H. Hoyer

Alma and General Colin Powell


Mrs. Valerie Jarrett

General James L. Jones, National Security Advisor to the president, and Mrs. Jones (Diane)

Mr. and Mars. Vernon E. Jordan, Jr. (Ann)

Mr. Michael Kaiser

Associate Justice and Mrs. Anthony Kennedy (Mary)

Mrs. Edward M. Kennedy (Vicki)

Mrs. Robert F. Kennedy (Ethel)

Senator John F. Kerry and Ms. Teresa Heinz

Mr. and Mrs. James C. Lehrer (Kate)

Mr. and Mrs. Theodore J. Leonsis (Lynn)

Mr. and Mrs. Theodore N. Lerner (Annette)

Mr. and Mrs. J. Willard Marriott. Jr. (Donna)

Mr. and Mrs. Forrest E. Mars, Jr. (Deborah)

Ms. Jacqueline Badger Mars

Senator and Mrs. John S. McCain, III (Cindy)

Senator A. Mitchell McConnell and the Honorable Elaine Lan Chao

General Mike Mullen, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, and Mrs. Mullen (Deborah)

The Honorable Janet Napolitano, Secretary of Homeland Security

The Honorable and Mrs. William T. Newman, Jr. (Sheila Johnson)

Her Majesty Queen Noor Al-Hussein

Mr. Peter Orszag

Tanya and Dan Snyder

Tanya and Dan Snyder

Mr. Alexander (“Alex”) Ovechkin

The Honorable Leon E. Panetta, Director of the Central Intelligence Agency, and Mrs. Panetta (Sylvia)

The Honorable Nancy Pelosi, Speaker of the House of Representatives, and Mr. Paul Pelosi

The Honorable and Mrs. Colin L. Powell (Alma)

Mr. and Mrs. Earl A. Powell, III (Nancy)

Senator and Mrs. Harry M. Reid (Landra)

Mr. Joseph E. Robert, Jr.

The Chief Justice and Mrs. John G. Roberts, Jr. (Jane)

Ms. Marian Robertson

Senator and Mrs. John D. Rockefeller, IV (Sharon Percy)

Mr. and Mrs. David Rubenstein (Alice)

Mr. and Mrs. Roger Sant (Victoria)

Associate Justice and Mrs. Antonin Scalia (Maureen)

His Excellency the Ambassador of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland Sir Nigel Sheinwald and Lady Sheinwald (Julia)

Senator Olympia J. Snowe and the Honorable John R. McKernan, Jr.

Mr. and Mrs. Daniel M. Snyder (Tanya)

Mr. and Mrs. George C. Stevens Jr. (Liz)

Mr. Dominique Strauss-Kahn, Managing Director of the International Monetary Fund, and Ms. Anne Sinclair

The Honorable and Mrs. Lawrence H. (“Larry”) Summers (Elisa)

His Excellency the Ambassador of France, Pierre Vimont

Senator Mark R. Warner and Ms. Lisa Collis

Representative Henry A. Waxman (Janet)

Ms. Katharine Weymouth

Mr. Robert Woodward and Ms. Elsa Walsh

The Honorable Robert B. Zoellnick, President of the World Bank


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