Art in the City: Picture Perfect

by Catherine Trifiletti

A few of our favorite Instagram feeds from local artists who use the platform to showcase their work. 

BEN TOLMAN | @BenTolman

“I usually draw inspiration from my own experience. For me it’s not really about just the urban spaces but total complexity of the city– both its beauty and ugliness– in a way to express my confusion or awe of it all.”

ANNE MARCHAND | @AnneMarchandArt

“I am drawn to the awe inspiring images coming from the Hubble and Chandra telescopes, to poetry and to mythology.”

CRIS CLAPP LOGAN | @CrisClappLogan

“I try to capture the dynamic world I see with color, beauty and humor– focusing on fashion, our city and the ups and downs of life as a new mom, often with an aspirational bent.”

ANNA DAVIS | @AnnauDavis

“I’m inspired by everyday life, whether ordinary or extraordinary, and the people taking part of it. My work explores my fascination with gender relations.”

MARTIN SWIFT | @mrtnswft

“Through painting and illustration, I seek to reframe the harsh void that exists between childhood and maturity as a world for the absurd.“

GREGORY FERRAND | @GregoryFerrandArt

“I use narrative in painting to create stories that depict and explore the raw, messy and seemingly unimportant moments in life that in truth say so much.”

“I hope that through my feed and my work my followers can recognize that there is great beauty and sometimes humor in the wonderful, boring and ugly parts of living, of being human.”

ROSE JAFFE | @Rose_inks

“I want my followers to see that the creative process is one of constant fluid change. Failure, experiments, and starting from scratch are all aspects of growth as an artist.”

NORA MACCOBY | @Maccoby2013

“My first language was drawing and it has been my vehicle for understanding my internal and external worlds.”

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