Please join the National Chamber Ensemble as they continue their 2010-2011 season with “Liebermann and Beethoven” Saturday, January 29 at 7:30 p.
m. at Rosslyn Spectrum Theatre at Artisphere. The concert features Lowell Liebermann – one of America’s most frequently performed and recorded living composers – performing on a historic 1865 88-note Steinway piano, one of the oldest Steinway’s in existence.
Tickets are $15 to $25 and are available at Spectrum Theatre at Artisphere: 1611 N.
Kent Street Arlington, VA; 703-228-1843. January 29, 2011
Time: 7:30 p.m.
Location: Spectrum Theatre at Artisphere:
Attire: Business Casual
Ticket/Pricing Information:Tickets are $15 to $25 and are available at