Nothing can have a bigger impact on the future of our children in the region than a solid education. In 12 inner city elementary and middle schools, the Center City Consortium empowers teachers that are changing the lives of over 2,400 students that would otherwise be left behind in under performing public schools. As our city refocuses on improving our entire school system, we are so proud to support a major contributor to our city’s educational ecosystem. By serving elementary and middle school children in Washington’s most distressed neighborhoods, the Center City Consortium is fulfi lling dreams – the dreams of a better future through education. One of the reasons that the Consortium is able to offer its students these outstanding opportunities is because of the many donors, volunteers and partners that support their activities. We are so grateful for the support of CharityWorks, an incredible all volunteer organization that has raised over six million dollars in high impact grants over the last six years, to help break the cycle of poverty by supporting high-performing local non-profi t organizations like Center City Consortium. Today these organizations are stronger thanks to the fi nancial support that CharityWorks has delivered year after year. Spectacular events like the sold out 100 Point Wine dinner hosted this year at magnifi cent Glenstone brings together donors that are committed to making a difference and giving back to our region.